Custom Knives Email List

As we're getting ready to focus on Aero Front Flippers, we're revamping our email list to reflect that. Get all the latest news, updates, and first notifications on custom knives, preorders, and other made-in house products that drop by signing up below.

If you're already signed up for our email list, please follow the simple steps to add what emails you'd like to get from us (you're already subscribed to get emails about production knives).

  1. Fill out the form below and click subscribe. You'll get this message: is already subscribed to list Boos Blades Email List. Click here to update your profile
  2. Tap the 'Click here to update your profile' and an email will be sent to your inbox. 
  3. Open the email sent to your inbox and tap the 'Update your preferences' hyperlink.
  4. Make sure to tap the 'Custom knives' checkbox and tap 'Update Profile' button. 
  5. You're subscribed to get emails about custom knives as well! 

** If you're getting the message "You'll get this message: is already subscribed to list Boos Blades Email List. Click here to update your profile" please follow the steps above to sign up! ** 


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